Working Hours

Sat-Wed - 9:00AM to 6:00PM
Thursday - 9:00AM to 2:00PM


If you are not sure about wither your tooth actually need a root canal treatment or not, or not sure about the success of the treatment or else you can always schedule a consultation appointment with us.

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Our Location
75 Zahran St - Fourth Circle
Al-Nayef Complex - First Floor
Amman - Jordan

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Our Services

Our practice is dedicated to deliver high quality and exceptional dental care to meet your high needs and expectations in a comfortable relaxed environment in our clinic

Dental Consultation

Thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth followed by a detailed, customized treatment plan.

Endodontic Treatment

Painless, minimally invasive root canal treatment under microscope & rubber dam following latest guidelines.

Endodontic Retreatment

Removal of old filling material and remaining infected tissue, then re-filling and sealing the tooth.

Endodontic Surgery

A safe and effective solution for complex dental problems that cannot be treated with traditional root canal therapy.

Cracked Teeth

Advancements in dental procedures are helping people keep their natural teeth longer.

Traumatic Injuries

While most traumatic dental injuries occur in children and teenagers.

Vital pulp therapy

A treatment modality that aims at preserving vital healthy dental pulp.

9000 Satisfied Patients
12000 Treated root canals
14 Years of Experience

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Do X-rays used in dentistry have side effects ?

X-rays used in dentistry are considered safe when used correctly and in low doses. The amount of radiation to which the patient is exposed during a dental X-ray is very small and is not considered dangerous. Moreover, dentists use protective measures such as a lead apron to protect sensitive body parts from radiation. However, repeated […]

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